Anni in her office
Anni Bergman
In 2014 I began photographing Anni Bergman, she was 96 years old. I wanted to understand this extraordinary woman's insatiable zest for life despite the accumulating losses accompanying her aging.
Documenting Anni's daily life I discovered Anni's qualities I most admire are the qualities that have always defined this remarkable woman. Emigrating to America as a seventeen year old orphan escaping the Holocaust, Anni became a world renowned psychoanalyst. Faced with the choice of accepting either admission to college or an invitation to join the circus as a gymnast, Anni chose an academic career. Acclaimed for her success with severely autistic children and adults that other clinicians deemed untreatable, Anni never gave up on her patients, just as she has never given up on herself.
The importance of relationships is emphasized through Anni’s connection to her patients, work, caregivers, the people that surround her and our photographic exchange. She maintains her core self, always curious and compassionate. The work is a celebration of Anni and an example of resiliency of self.

Anni And Nadia
Anni asked my opinion about different tops and then decided herself that she would wear this beautiful blue silk shirt with a patterned shawl, blue beaded shimmering necklace, blue beaded bracelet. And she put on some very red lipstick, asking me how she looked, was it too bright? She looked beautiful. Nadia came in and also told Anni how beautiful she looked.
I left at the same time as Nadia and Anni. Nadia had allowed plenty of time to get to Penn Station. Anni moved slowly, talking, getting distracted. Anni wanted to walk but it was cold and getting late. Nadia was trying to find a cab. I found one for them and Anni seemed fine with that and gave me a warm hug and kiss goodbye. Anni took the train to Boston by herself (here she’s 95 years old) and Kostia, her son, met her at South Station.